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Follow your dreams

The challenge we all face as mothers is figuring out how to take care of ourselves in our multi-tasking role .

We are a diverse set of women at all different stages of being a mum and we all deserve to chase our dreams!

I want you to STOP putting yourself at the bottom of your to do list!

Your DREAMS are important, self-fulfillment is important, your HAPPINESS is important. Putting your kids first doesn’t necessary mean putting yourself last and putting yourself SOMEWHERE on the list doesn’t make you a bad mum.

Balance is healthy !

Being a mum is so incredible , my kids are all my life but NONE is “just mom”. We are all so much more than that.

Do you want to run a marathon , do you want to launch a business, do you want to be a painter, JUST DO IT!

So, what do we do then to answer the question: how do we go after our dreams and be the best moms we can be?

Let's start here:

What can you do today, even if it is just 10 minutes after you get the kids to bed, that invests in one of your dreams and goals? For example: can you start reading that book you wished instead of scrolling your IG or FB? Or can you do a quick workout to invest in your physical well-being? Or simply do something for yourself ?

Refuse to allow yourself to be overwhelmed with the question posed above. Find your family's version of balance, and begin.



After a long day of investing in your beautiful family (and for some, a career too), invest in YOU, mom. Remember, even 5 minutes is better than nothing.

You can be an amazing parent AND have an identity outside of motherhood.

We deserve to be happy in our own skin



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